HausZwei Homes

Midway Woods Neighborhood Association

Midway Woods Neighborhood Association is back in session and ready to go!

Posted on August 10, 2013 by vp

Summer is almost done. That means school is back in session, it’s still hot, and MWNA is about to get up and running. Please join us on September 11th at 7:30pm for the first monthly meeting. The board is very excited to meet our neighbors and highlight some of the great things we have planned in the next year. (You can see a bio of the board at the end of this post.)

Please grab a neighbor and come to Columbia Presbyterian on Sept 11. The executive board and committee chairs will be detailing their plans and asking for your participation to achieve the goals and in making Midway Woods a better place for all. This year we’ll see the return of a newsletter and new resident “welcome wagon”, a big focus on social events and fundraisers, and the continued effort to make Dearborn Park the premier park of DeKalb County. We will also be hearing from Al Fowler (our Center Precinct liaison) about the county’s efforts to help keep the Woods a safe place.

The Board is excited to announce that we are joining “forces” with Forrest Hills, Avondale Estates, Winona Park, The United Methodist Children’s Home, the Waldorf School, Our House, Columbia Seminary, and a couple other groups to encourage the sharing of information and participation to further the goals of the separate organizations. Please check out the websites of our neighbors and join them for their events.

Now for the participation part of the post!

And, without further ado, let’s introduce our MWNA board and committee chairs for the 2013-2014 year.

Eric Larson, President – Eric sent out a little info at the beginning of the summer and stays active on the listserv. He’s ready to lead by serving the needs of our neighborhood. If you have ideas for general neighborhood improvements or concerns, email him at: or call his cell at 678-973-7549

Adrianna Berlin, Vice President – My son and I love living in the Woods and playing in Dearborn Park. You’ll probably see us walking our dog and checking out the snakes that sunbathe next to the bridge on Midway by Thomas. My big goal this year is to get more neighbors to our meetings and much more frequent social events! PS – first person – because I’m writing these and you can write me at: or call me at 404-512-3466

Mollie Brock, Secretary – Mollie is the one with the perpetual smile and a notebook in hand. She’s always taking notes! She says, “Hey Neighbors! My family has lived in MW for the past 4 years and we love it here! I wanted to serve on the board as Secretary so I could help keep everyone in the loop who isn’t able to attend meetings and events.” Send her an email and she’ll write it down in her notebook for safekeeping:

Erik Bigelow, Treasurer
– Erik and his family have lived in MW for a few years now and jumped at the chance to bring his enthusiasm to the group. He will be keeping us up to date on what’s in the coffers and checking the PO Box. You can email him at or send him a postcard from your travels at: PO Box 3036, Decatur, GA 30031

Rick Baggenstoss, Environmental Chair – You may have met Rick and his family as he has been involved in the Woods and Park projects in the past. You’ll be hearing a lot from Rick as we continue to add more improvements and amenities to Dearborn Park as well as our new “Yard of the Month” and beautification projects around the neighborhood. If you have someone to nominate for “Yard of the Month”, ideas to make this place sparkle, or would like to participate in his efforts with the park, email

Desiree Tabor Carter, Editor, Newsletter – Desiree and her husband, Brian, are both excited and eager to start volunteering with MW. You’ll be happy to know that Desiree is working hard to create a newsletter and calendar so you’ll be informed on the who, what, and why that is happening in the Woods. We are currently exploring ways to get the newsletter out in an environmentally friendly and cost effective way. If you have article ideas/submissions, want to buy an ad, want to thank a neighbor publicly, or are ready to help pass out info, please email Desiree:

Katie Deal, Social Chair – Katie isn’t new to the Woods. You’ve probably driven by her front yard vegetable garden on Deerwood and admired her tomato plants! She has accepted the task of spearheading the ambitious schedule of community mixers and events that we all keep thinking up. These new events and some of our favorite oldies are more fun to prep and pull off with volunteers. Let Katie know if you might be interested in being a part of her volunteer army:

Megan Lyons, “Welcome Wagon”/Historian/Atlanta & Decatur Happenings Chair – Megan and her husband, Daniel, have lived in the neighborhood for two years. We have to admit that we asked if she could take on a LOT of our new ideas, and she happily said, “YES!” She’ll be spearheading a special spot on the web page with monthly listings of area restaurant openings and events as well ideas of things to do around town for you and your kids. She will be working on some downloadable facts and information on our neighborhood for potential residents and gathering up your stories and pictures of days gone by in the Woods. If you have anything you would like to share OR would be excited to help her create some welcome bags/baked goods/etc. for new residents, please contact her at:

That was a lot of info, but we have a lot in store for the coming year.
Remember – nothing makes this neighborhood greater than the people who are in it!
Grab a neighbor and invite them to attend meetings and events with you.
I promise you’ll both leave with new friends!!

Good Things are Growing in the Woods. If you’re looking for a home in Midway Woods

HausZwei Homes has a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home at 1455 Deerwood Drive, Decatur, GA $245,000.

We will soon have a 4 bedroom, 3 bath home at 1318 Carter Rod, Decatur, Ga $290,000

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